Faculty of Agriculture has two campuses: Nabong and Dongdok. Nabong campus is about 35 km from Vientiane city (25 km from Dongdok, main campus of NUOL), located in Paksapmai village, Xaythany district of Vientiane capital. The campus has totally area of 72 ha in which 10 ha are designed for building (offices, class rooms, laboratories, dormitories and staff housing) and 62 ha are for practical training (campus farm). Dongdok campus is located 9 km from the centre of Vientiane. The campus is designed for fishery program.
The faculty has become a center of excellent for agricultural higher education equally regional and international standard
Founded on December 9, 1975 as Nabong Agricultural School by transferring from Ecole Royale Agro-Sylvo Pastorale / ERASP. Offering mid-level Certificates in 5 disciplines ( Agriculture, Animal husbandry, Forestry, & Irrigation)
Irrigation discipline was moved to Tat Thong campus and Irrigation College was set up
Forestry discipline was moved to Donkdok and Vientiane Forestry College was set up
Farm mechanization discipline was set up and suspended in 1993
Renamed Nabong Agricultural College (NAC) when upgraded to High-level Diploma. Mid-level certificated was discontinued in 1994
Joint the creation of National University of Laos and became the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry (FAF)
Divided in two faculties, Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) located at Nabong campus and Faculty of Forestry located in Dongdok campus
“Is responsible for Rural Economics and Food Technology Department, and Finance, Asset Division, and Human Resources Administration Division”
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vannaphone Phutthana
“Is responsible for Department of Plant Science, Department of Veterinary, Department of Livestock and Fishery, and Post-graduate Division and Academic Affair, Student Affairs Division, Library and Research and Academics services Division.”
Assit. prof. Dr. Phouvin Phousavanh
“Is responsible for ”
“Is responsible for ”